We Export All Kinds Of High Quality Vegetables, Induding Tomato, Carrots, Capsicum.
We Export All Kinds Of High Quality Vegetables, Induding Tomato, Carrots, Capsicum.
Pre-Cooling And Cold Storage Rooms Cover The Daily Production Of Filling Station.
We Provide WareHouse For
Vegetables And Fruits.
Large Cartons Complying With International Standard Specifications.
GreenHouse For Banana And Orange crops.
Company Profile
Araqa Islam means excellence.
The company has all the elements that made it one of the leaders of import and export companies in Egypt and one of the best shipping companies.
We deal with major transport companies Abuheibah International Freight Forwarding, Customs Clearance, Import & Export Company was established in 2008.
It is worth mentioning that Aboheba Company for its current position in the Egyptian market has become a trust at the governmental level and has been registered with sovereign state agencies and government bodies. The company has assigned many import and export orders and customs clearance to those entities.
And dealt with major companies in Egypt and abroad
The company is proud that its organizational structure includes a number of cadres including managers, heads of departments and qualified personnel to work in this field at the highest possible level, in addition to the group of consultants and accountants legal.
At the global level, the company occupies a high position in the field of import and export, and import from and to all countries of the world and the most important of the company.
Aboheba is the convenience of the customer, as it is the service of import and export to the account of others with high efficiency on
The company is a leading company in this field, and is one of the best import and export companies in Egypt. The company has obtained many quality certificates and ISO.
رئيس مجلس الادارة
السفير محمد ابوهيبه
سفير النوايا الحسنة : المركز الدولى لحقوق الانسان
رئيس مجلس ادارة شركة ابوهيبه للاستيراد و التصدير
رئيس مؤسسه محمد ابوهيبه
مدير ادارة : جمارك الاسكندرية
نائب رئيس مجلس الادارة - المدير التجارى
ليلى حمدى
مدير النقل البرى بتوكيل هامبورج سود مصر
و تتمتع السيدة ليلي حمدى بخبرات واسعة فى مجال النقل
مما يؤدى الى وصول خدمة متميزة للعملاء فى كل دوا العالم
مدير التسويق
أحمد اسماعيل
حاصل على بكالورويس ادارة - جامعة الاسكندرية
و حصل على العديد من الدورات التى تؤهله للتواصل مع العملاء
و لديه القدرة على قياس رضا العملاء و سرعة الاستجابة لخدمتهم
أبوهيبه للاستيراد و التصدير
العنوان : 4 ش الجمرك القديم - عمارة قصر بانوراما - الدور السادس
تليفون : 034830064 - 01006252220 - 01027798589
فاكس : 034830053
info@aboheaba.com : البريد الالكترونى
Abu heaba Was founded To Make A Mark In Egypt's Clearing And Forwording Industry. Logistic Started Its Operations In All The Major Cities In The World With The Aim To Offer The Best In Logistics Services.
Address : Alexandria, Egypt
Phone Number : +02 3843 4600
Fax Number : +02 3843 3500